Friday, August 2, 2019

Torsby - For your desktop - 08

Well, when I start on this project I hope that I do it much faster, but now I see, how much time is gone. And here just 1/3 part of the full length of Torsby rally stage. I made this part reversed from the real stage on the most interesting section. Now if the community wants the full version of  9.5 km. I will wait for some feedback from you and of course support by donations. Will see. Now this stage is allowed in all plugins without any time limitations. Free for non-commercial use, but modifications are not allowed in there. Modelers can use any objects or textures from this project only for non-commercial purpose.
I hope you enjoy it.

So, if RBR community wants and support me, full stage modelling to be continued...


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Torsby - jump, jump, jump... - 07

Torsby Shakedown preview.
Well, I'm happy to present this video. A lot of time is gone from the beginning of this project.
All jobs come to end, may need to add surface status variation. And the weather settings test.
So, the first bird is coming soon If all will going well, next week I will upload public testy version.

I hope you all enjoy it...

Friday, June 7, 2019

Torsby - cold winter road... - 06

Hi all. All are growing their :) Main vegetation jobs is finished there. Of Course, need to add more nice stones around, I know how a community like it, so they will be there :). Next step for nice atmospherics spectators and other fun stuff. 70-80% of all jobs are done...
So nice drive in winter when you have so hot summer time :D, see you next time...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Torsby - snowbanks and first trees - 05

As I promised, there is the first layout preview. You can see progress, I planted around 50-60 % of vegetation and finish with most of the ground textures. Also, you can see snowbanks - soft snowbanks, which not made from concrete. Upcomming stage is 4.3 km long. If I will have more supporters from community or private companysI will make full version of orginal Torsby layout 9 km. And another one real short stage in 2.3 km...
I hope you enjoy this first video. And see you later with more info..

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Torsby - Pictures of a day - 04

Hi all, as I announced, there are few pictures from the stage. All works going well, not fas as I want, with my less time for it. Now, I prepared a short version of the full track, as "Shakedown" version. It will 4,3 km of length, a very interesting part of this nice road. I finish with ground and now have nice snowbanks, so I enjoy driving in there... Now part from the part, I planting vegetation. I hope, some early video version to share tomorrow or next week. Stay tuned!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Torsby - vegetation test - 03

Hi folks, not a lot form me today, but I have a nice screen of my progress in there. Most of the time, I spend on some commercial works but also works on collecting vegetation for the winter season. On some new renders, form by self and of course with big help from my friend Ivan. There is the first test of it and I like it. I hope more in next week.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Verkiai - 15 - damage textures

Hi, all.
I dont like to do this stuff, now is 2019, but a lot od sh** PC owners, asking me strange things :D
Well, I make this reduced textures version. But for saving time and file size, I make just for one of each SS. So you by slef, need to copy each and rename in to: track-721_O_textures, track-721_E_textures, 
track-720_O_textures, track-720_E_textures,
track-723_O_textures, track-723_E_textures.
And folders inside of each archive...

Every stage, must to have 3 texture archives. Make bacup before, and good luck!


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Torsby - the road - 02

Longtime cant to make this video, have a lot of other jobs, so now is a new presentation...Road shape preview. Sad but, it's so far, not accurate (modeled only by hand), because no possibility to have normal elevations data. I change it much time to compare with video buts it's really hard to make it properly. For best result need professional GPS elevations data.

I found online service, where is possible to buy good elevation data, but for this region, it cost minim 150 Eu. So, if anyone wants to be a sponsor, I open to offers...
Torsby 2018-19 years fro WRC rally Sweden, is very interesting configuration, 9.6 km long, on snow...
I hope you like it...

Friday, March 1, 2019

Verkiai - done, whoo will next?

Good news for all plugins owners, Verkiai pack is ready for first official install I ended with the first phase of bug fix. Now is time for your test. Download links for each track you can find in the right side of web page...

Well, time to time this question is coming, who will second stage? The picture below is some key to identify it, so teaser question which track will be next? It's funny and often used on WRC championship...

Guys I need help from the community...
Actually, I want to create Torsby power stage from Sweden,
but the problem is with road height data. May someone lives near this location and can support me with it?
Road geometry unique and will find all have on RBR for a full feeling of this SS. So, what I need, someone can slow drive on this road, with some good GPS device and record track position with height data. It will help me do all jobs faster and be more accurate in there...

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vekiai 2010 - Final day! -14

Šį greičio ruožą kūriau daugiau nei 7-erius metus. Tai buvo pirmasis darbas, kuris įkvėpė ir paskatino užsiimti 3D grafika, būtent jo dėka sukūriau ir įgyvendinau daugiau nei 20 GR, tiek nemokamų, tiek komercinių. Daugiau nei 80 km virtualių kelių. Todėl jis man labai svarbus, kaip kertinis kūrinys ir stengiausi daryti jį taip, tarsi tai būtų mano paskutinis darbas gyvenime. "Verkius" nuo nulio pradėjau ir mečiau, pradėjau ir mečiau, mažiausiai tris kartus. Dėl įvairių priežasčių, teko užmesti ilgiems metams. Kol pernai, tvirtai nusprendžiau pagaliau užbaigti, kelis metus, besitęsiančią epopėja. 
Nebuvo mano pradinės intencijos skirti šį kūrinį kokiam Lietuvai svarbesniam laikotarpiui, bet taip jau sutapo, kad kūrybiniu laikotarpiu, mes šventėme 1000 metų Lietuvos vardo jubiliejų (2010-aisiais), o ir dabar minime valstybingumo atkūrimo šimtmetį. Tad noriu, taip pat prikišti savo trigrašį ir prisidėti savo darbu prie šių Lietuvai svarbių datų paminėjimo. Virtualaus ralio vieta, kaip tik tinka – driekiasi istorinėmis sostinės apylinkėmis, kas puikiai tinka šioms progoms paminėti.
Šis GR nėra, o ir neturėjau tokio tikslo, tikras ralio ruožas. Niekada nebuvo, o ir greičiausiai nebus. Bet man labai patiko jo konfigūracija, vieta ir atmosfera, tai kodėl nepafantazavus ir gražiąją puse nepareprezentavus savo šalies bei sostinės, ir pajusti ralio atmosferą. 
Dabar šis kelias, jau stipriai skiriasi nuo to koks buvo 2010-aisiais, todėl neieškokite šimtaprocentinio sutapimo. Tai daugiau meno kūrinys nei foto kopija. Siūlyčiau vertinti estetine kūrinio puse ir mėgautis važiavimu. 
Nors ir nesu gerbėjas visokių karalysčių, bei karaliūkščių, bet iš tiesų, kaip maža tauta, mes galime didžiuotis savo istorija. Savo klestėjimo laikotarpiu nebuvome kraujaskubiai užkariautojai, o ir tautos atsidūrusios mūsų įtakoje prisimena Lietuvos valdymą, kaip klestėjimo ir teisingumo laikotarpį. Mūsų valstybė, buvo viena pirmųjų sustabdžiusi mongolų-totorių invaziją į Europą. Jau vien to, pakanka įrašyti Lietuvos vardą garbingoje Europos istorijoje. O ko jau vertas faktas, kad mūsų bendra Lietuvos-Lenkijos valstybė, pirmieji sukūrė Konstituciją, ko dar kelis šimtmečius laukė Amerika ir Europa... Nemažiau prisidejom prie sovietų lagerio griuvimo... Todėl, mes turime kuo didžiuotis ir jaustis pilnaverčiais europiečiais ir pasaulio piliečiais. Ar mes galime būti geresni? Galime, vienu svarbiausiu dalyku - mažiau ar visai nebetoleruojant savo pačių ydų... Visus lietuvaičius ir jiems prijaučiančius su švente!
Sorry this time I'm on my native language. I'm not strong in others. I ended my 7 years Verkiai epopea. And today, also imoprtant day for my country, I share with community, with virtual, but important pece of my country. I  dedicate this stage, for Centennial of the Restored State of Lithuania!
We feel great and we are part of Europe and always was, with strong and important history for whole europe history.
It's still beta version. Integration in to plugin will wait for week or two, depend how much bugs will founded. Please don't be lazy and problems report there, its will help much faster fix it and update tracks.
Known problems, some lags on weak PC's. RBR crash when running second time. Later on I will share reduced texture packs for old PC owners.

Any way, if you still want to support my creation feel free and press donate for one coffee ;)
I really hope, that you enjoy this stage...


Friday, February 15, 2019

Verkiai 2010 - One day to go - 13

Hi all going to end. One day to go for first beta test!
Dedicated for Centennial of the Restored State of Lithuania!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Verkiai 2010 - reversed - 12

Hi all, next layout is ready for you attention. I add there some new fun details, so it will not so annoying to drive on the same stage.
If all going right, I hope, in next week, I will have something special for community.
Stay tuned ;)

Friday, February 1, 2019

Verkiai 2010 - second layout - 11

Hi all, all this time I try to do something new there, sorry seems I can't stop flooding "Super Special stages" :D.
Small short, but fun.
I hope you enjoy it to as I finish with all of them...

Monday, January 21, 2019

Verkiai 2010 - support - 10

Hi all, I don't like this stuff, but I must to talk about other creation side. Yes, yes, yes I need yours, RBR community support. If you want make this track free for all plugins online and offline can you buy for me one coffee, beer or may be  pica ;). Its help me keep motivated, and let me move forward. I hope to collect above 100 EU of donation. With this want to make reverse version of this layout. Also "O" type version about 7-8 km, with start and finish near Shoping center. Also, I have plans, extend rally in other road (not included in video), so all depends from community, do you need more from me? - One beer or coffee its not too much for you, but big influence in my motivation.
Thank you and see you later...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Verkiai 2010 - How its look - 09

Now Im happy, after long waiting, troubles and others works I steal some time to finishing this project. Not a lot is need, - pace notes, recording camera, shadows generating and different surface with weathers settings...
If all will goes right, want to finish on next week..
I hope you like it and stay tuned