Saturday, February 16, 2019

Vekiai 2010 - Final day! -14

Šį greičio ruožą kūriau daugiau nei 7-erius metus. Tai buvo pirmasis darbas, kuris įkvėpė ir paskatino užsiimti 3D grafika, būtent jo dėka sukūriau ir įgyvendinau daugiau nei 20 GR, tiek nemokamų, tiek komercinių. Daugiau nei 80 km virtualių kelių. Todėl jis man labai svarbus, kaip kertinis kūrinys ir stengiausi daryti jį taip, tarsi tai būtų mano paskutinis darbas gyvenime. "Verkius" nuo nulio pradėjau ir mečiau, pradėjau ir mečiau, mažiausiai tris kartus. Dėl įvairių priežasčių, teko užmesti ilgiems metams. Kol pernai, tvirtai nusprendžiau pagaliau užbaigti, kelis metus, besitęsiančią epopėja. 
Nebuvo mano pradinės intencijos skirti šį kūrinį kokiam Lietuvai svarbesniam laikotarpiui, bet taip jau sutapo, kad kūrybiniu laikotarpiu, mes šventėme 1000 metų Lietuvos vardo jubiliejų (2010-aisiais), o ir dabar minime valstybingumo atkūrimo šimtmetį. Tad noriu, taip pat prikišti savo trigrašį ir prisidėti savo darbu prie šių Lietuvai svarbių datų paminėjimo. Virtualaus ralio vieta, kaip tik tinka – driekiasi istorinėmis sostinės apylinkėmis, kas puikiai tinka šioms progoms paminėti.
Šis GR nėra, o ir neturėjau tokio tikslo, tikras ralio ruožas. Niekada nebuvo, o ir greičiausiai nebus. Bet man labai patiko jo konfigūracija, vieta ir atmosfera, tai kodėl nepafantazavus ir gražiąją puse nepareprezentavus savo šalies bei sostinės, ir pajusti ralio atmosferą. 
Dabar šis kelias, jau stipriai skiriasi nuo to koks buvo 2010-aisiais, todėl neieškokite šimtaprocentinio sutapimo. Tai daugiau meno kūrinys nei foto kopija. Siūlyčiau vertinti estetine kūrinio puse ir mėgautis važiavimu. 
Nors ir nesu gerbėjas visokių karalysčių, bei karaliūkščių, bet iš tiesų, kaip maža tauta, mes galime didžiuotis savo istorija. Savo klestėjimo laikotarpiu nebuvome kraujaskubiai užkariautojai, o ir tautos atsidūrusios mūsų įtakoje prisimena Lietuvos valdymą, kaip klestėjimo ir teisingumo laikotarpį. Mūsų valstybė, buvo viena pirmųjų sustabdžiusi mongolų-totorių invaziją į Europą. Jau vien to, pakanka įrašyti Lietuvos vardą garbingoje Europos istorijoje. O ko jau vertas faktas, kad mūsų bendra Lietuvos-Lenkijos valstybė, pirmieji sukūrė Konstituciją, ko dar kelis šimtmečius laukė Amerika ir Europa... Nemažiau prisidejom prie sovietų lagerio griuvimo... Todėl, mes turime kuo didžiuotis ir jaustis pilnaverčiais europiečiais ir pasaulio piliečiais. Ar mes galime būti geresni? Galime, vienu svarbiausiu dalyku - mažiau ar visai nebetoleruojant savo pačių ydų... Visus lietuvaičius ir jiems prijaučiančius su švente!
Sorry this time I'm on my native language. I'm not strong in others. I ended my 7 years Verkiai epopea. And today, also imoprtant day for my country, I share with community, with virtual, but important pece of my country. I  dedicate this stage, for Centennial of the Restored State of Lithuania!
We feel great and we are part of Europe and always was, with strong and important history for whole europe history.
It's still beta version. Integration in to plugin will wait for week or two, depend how much bugs will founded. Please don't be lazy and problems report there, its will help much faster fix it and update tracks.
Known problems, some lags on weak PC's. RBR crash when running second time. Later on I will share reduced texture packs for old PC owners.

Any way, if you still want to support my creation feel free and press donate for one coffee ;)
I really hope, that you enjoy this stage...



  1. All the best for the Lithuanian Centennial from friendly Croatia!

    1. Thank you mate!
      Sorry I forgot one important things - instalation settings, Itt will soon

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    1. Installation instruction is added, pleread text...

  4. Mmm, interesting definition of "installation guide" although to be fair, I'd be more interested in the track settings. ;) (I'd much rather give feedback when everything is as intended.)

    Overall, the stages look phenomenal, outstanding, no question, even the lake is fixed. Top quality! The SSS one is kinda forgettable though, after actually driving it and not watching some video of it. While the pacenotes do take you to the finish so it's not exactly Karowa-like, some of its hairpin-chicane combos require either triple screen or VR to drive them properly.

    Thanks, RG!

    1. Now that the tracksettings are there for Morning and Overcast at least (not for Evening), I've done some proper testing on Verkiai I:

      1) The chicane of sorts at 3120m has a red screen trigger in a VERY BAD place at the end of concrete blocks. Now, it's possible that the car fits in the gap between the concrete block and the sign/guidepost making this theoretical shortcut possible, but there's one spectator anyway so why not put the red screen trigger to it and problem solved. Now you can so easily trigger it just by late braking and crashing into the concrete block. Drivers would go absolutely mental and rightly so, I feel.

      2) Then there probably should be an INVISIBLE wall at about 4450 to stop shortcutting just before the long line of concrete blocks. Best not rely on some buggy anticut systems of your average online plugin...

      3) The pacenote at 5130.0 should be left (not right).

      Otherwise the stage seemed more than ok. Some of the speed bumps and holes can be suspicious, but then again, it's so hard to judge whether it's the car or the road itself that I leave those complaints to others. This is definitely one of most frustrating stages on tarmac, so much so that it probably requires its own setup.

    2. Thank you, I will try to fix it. By the way, I update installation guide and added missed files and weather settings, please update it. It's in additional link...

    3. OK, I've tested Verkiai reversed, which in turn made me go and have a look at that point no.1 in the previous post. No car obviously fits that gap between the concrete block and the notice board/hay bale, hardly even a bicycle, so walls - red or otherwise - are not truly needed.

      But then to the reversed version:

      1) If after the hairpin at 1111m you keep very in (as in close to the long line of concrete blocks) - rightly or wrongly - you'll get "Wrong way" message and a couple of the following pacenotes will be skipped because of it (pacenotes resume only after the concrete blocks). I didn't try what would happen if I disabled the wrong way message but I doubt it makes a difference as it is easy to see with Pacenote Plugin how the timeline jumps back and forth.

      2) Some wrong directions again in pacenotes:
      3473.3 Right should be Left (morning and evening)
      4065.6 Left should be Right (evening only?)
      5015.6 Twisty should be deleted as there's no chicane (evening)
      5341.7 (Evening) the chicane should be looked at again (strange use of "hairpin", and the whole thing could be just "twisty" anyway)

      3) At the chicane at 4065.6, use of a small invisible wall could be in order to stop shortcutting, although it's not really that important. Just an idea to lengthen this report. The idea may be worthwhile for the normal direction as well but I didn't test it.

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    5. But more importantly, I found a nice car with great setup, and it made me really like this stage! :)

    6. Thank you for review, I will fix it. Of course, I think that all drivers must to have their own pace note and mark all important things by itself with Pacenote Plugin...

  5. Nice stage but in forest so much langs. 😔

    1. Please, write you pc confirmation, I have one idea, how to to be in forest with lagging, but need more tests. After Monday.., thanks

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    3. Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) X2 250 3.00GHz
      RAM: 4GB

  6. It´s 11y.o. PC so this is a problem... :D sooo, i can´t go this super track bcs of my PC :(

  7. Hey mate, the link to the SSS seems to be broken?

    1. Thank you - link is fix now, so you can download it...

  8. Hi Rally Guru,
    Congratulations for this stage ("track" is circuit racing!).
    Unfortunately, I must say the low framerate make this stage undrivable. I am using a VR headset and need 90fps and with almost every other stage I get more than that with no problem, but in this one it goes as low as 22fps! Im using a 1070gtx/8gbram/i5. You really should up your standards regarding FPS because its one of the most important things in simracing, also for people with triple screens and 144hz monitors. I mean, this stage looks quite good, but semetin also looks as good and theres absolutely no fps problems. We live in an era when people dont optimize things, please dont do that, be a true master and optimize your great work. By the way, Carvalho de Rei could also benefit from better fps. Sorry for complaining, but its just a shame to see such a nice stage to be ruined by the lack of FPS optimization.

    1. First, to all we talking about the game which is 14 years old. And this engine is the same oriented into VGA which is 14 years old. So is no way compare RBR with AC or other modern games. wake up guys RBR is not to designed for VR, first. If you want to use such stuff you also must to have very powerful hardware. Game design and optimize for one monitor view, if you extend, you twice need performance from you VGA....
      If you so far think that I do not optimize as I can in there you are wrong. I did much as possible. But tracks have much bigger details density than Semetin and other stages and so. If you ask me remove objects grass bush others surrounding objects, but it does not step forward its step back 14 years back... Actually, you use tools which are not dedicated to this game, so some problems any way you will find there
      Now, what we can to do. First, to I recommend extracting tracks (720,721,723) .rbz archives in map folder, it will help with long track loading and some performance problems. Also for guys who, still try gaming with integrated vga or systems 10 years old, I recommend reduce textures size, (if you don't know how, later on, I will do it)..

  9. Also some tips from Miro:

  10. you cannot just say that RBR is not optimized for VR, Its actually the smoothest VR simulator right now. The fact that it is an old game is even better because you need high stable FPS to run VR so it makes a perfect combination. You have to ask yourself this question: Does verkiai looks better than semetin? (the answer is obviously NO, I think everyone would agree, no matter if it has bigger detail density) So if does NOT look better, should it take DOUBLE resources? No it should not. Thats called OPTIMIZATION. Its one of the most important things in game design, You can't just throw every detail and then have much less FPS.
    Forget about office computer, probably only a 9900K with a 2080TI would run your stage in 144fps in VR. And semetin can run on a much weaker system like mine: i5 6500, 1070gtx.
    Your stage should simply not be accepted by Vaclav in CZ tournaments, its not up to competition standards.
