Replay cameras show:
Hi all, after a long silence, here is my new video report from the Saalahti project. I could do everything much faster, but lots of changes in my life changing and delayed all my projects. Anyway, some progress is there.
Not too much left, but all processes are still time-consuming.
Need to add spectators, and rally equipment, generate shading, and produce variations of different road surfaces.
Stay tuned, updates will be soon.
Summer heat with some fun! Lots need to do but the result is quite good, 1/3 is done. So far without shading, it will be at the final modeling state, so the track looks raw. I hope to finish it at the beginning of autumn, but will see may it will be faster...
Stay tuned!
Hi all, I want to present a reverse version of PS Valstagna. The same configuration, but an updated track will be prepared for use on all plugins.
In my experience road is quite scary to drive very fast, but the same fun and challenging driving.
I will hope everyone can enjoy it.
Not too much left for the final target of the donation amount which will allow share track content with everyone for all plugins and for online and offline usage, if you want to support my creation and be part of it please press the donation button!
The main target is reached! I must say big thanks to everyone no matter what your sum was - small or big - you all are important not only to me but to everyone, in this racing community. You all support each other. When we support any of the creators the same we support content for ourselves and for our friends you all are the main part of the game. Thank you for all again.
Hello everyone, I'm RallyG since 2011 I working on the new RBR content. I created, for the public, 25 virtual rally tracks, it's 122 km of rally roads. All my works and tutorials you can find there on this blog page.
At this time, I ask the whole RBR racing community (from all online plugins) to support my current project with a donation. Rally stage Valstagna. We need to fill some financial gaps and we want to continue on this project with new content. So, we need your help.
I decided, to give the offer to all community, and it will be included:
1. PS Valstagna, regular version 12,8km
2. Reverse version (in the short time term)
3. And will in producing a new historical gravel version of Valstagna. Will modded and properly prepared. (maybe the reverse version too)
For that reason in current plugins - RSF, RBRPro, and RBRTM, we will allow one online-only test tournament with a few tries to test the stage and you can decide want or not support this project and future works.
I think that the maximal donation amount must be no more than 5 EU. So, it not to be a big pressure in financial ways for everyone, who wants to support me and my projects
There link on my blog page where you can find the donation button at the top of the right.
Our target is 3000 Eu, if possible we want to collect his sum in one month period and after this content will be free in all plugins for online and offline usage (without any discrimination for all World RBR community)
I know that at the beginning price looks big but after 4 years intensive of work and dividing the sum by months it's 62 Eu in one month whats not fill the electricity bill. That is why I ask for support from the community and want to stay motivated to create new virtual content.
About my future plans. I planning to finish the Saalahti gravel stage (which will be a priority) and I think about another Italian road from the Bassano rally - the Rubbio stage.
Remember only 5 Eu, it's not a lot but can do a lot!
I will be happy if you are all with me and I can be with you and we all moving in the same direction.
>>> Search your test version on your using an online plugin! <<<
Hi all, I am happy to announce the presentation of the first version of this nice historic rally place. This was a long story that started in 2019 and was planned to be a short trip for 6 months. But now 4 years on it and still have what to do. We had many changes in our lives, Covid, changes in our families, and work. In the middle of project I change the main game exporter from Wallaby to Blender RBR addon (from Tom Smalley) it was a big challenge for me and take a lot of time, but also opened more new possibilities. Sometimes looks like jobs never end, but now we are there.
In first version only dry surfaces, M are dedicated only for dry surfaces and good weather condition. N version for dry, damp and wet (different surfaces will be included in the next release) and have night, heavy, fog, rainy and no rain weather conditions.
Next release will be reverse version and different surfaces textures.
Anyway, Valerio Costa is the author of this idea, and with his passion and support this nice place will be open for all virtual racing community.
If you, was real driver who tested this place in real life, I must disappoint you. The result is not 100% identical, depending on the situation that was available in the creation process. Valstagna road is one of the most difficult places, ever seen, with very limited available proper geometry data. Valerio did all road measures that were possible, but anyway lots of data was taken from the video. And actually, all works look like a love song, about Valstagna road. The love song is not the same as the real object but had the same strong and heat feeling. So, if you like the real road I hope you the same will like this replica too. There are thousands and thousands of working hours all our skills and passion put there.
Also big thanks to all guys who supported us with their knowledge like Jan, Tom, Bee, Krzysztof, Aleksi, a group of testers, and many others...
And last, if you like it don't forget to support all that makes new content for your passion! A real donation is always better than thousands of words.
PS. The stage will available for all online plugins