Work slowly, different than I expected. But, any way, want to be accurate as possible here...
Never say that you never do it again. He, he, I'm talking not about sex or drinking. After I finish work on Fernet, I think it will my last work on SSS configuration track. Seems not. When I was creator of WRC sesone tournament, I always missing short super special track with mixed (gravel and tarmac) surfaces. Yes we have Sosnova, but its lenghts, too long, compare with real WRC stages, so I decided fix this issue :D

One big problem I found here, no precise elevation data (as always). Good I found this track on new version of WRC 7 game, by the way I found it very fun fot driving, I recomment to try it too. I rip elevation data from this stage, sorry "bigben". But of course it was not too much accurate too :). Now Try fix it via real onboard camera...